Hey guys. So I'm just here and was thinking about going for a nap. Mentally, I've been doing well as of late. However, I feel physically run down - achy, and tired. I've been this way for a while, actually. Not always but you know, I'm a sleepy gal. Some of this I'm sure is due to my habits, but I was wondering what to do.
Then I remembered how good I felt when I'd been taking the multivitamins, so good I'd written a blog post about it. I haven't been taking them much lately, just forgetting. So, I felt a rush of power and got up from my nap to take some multivitamins, then straight to here to write about something I'm learning how to do a little everyday: pick myself back up again.
It's easy to fall, it's even easier to stay there. To pick oneself up is an artform, a challenge, sometimes the reason for our struggles. To offer us the chance to grow in such a way we overcome such things. So, what ways can you help pick yourself up?
One thing I use is something I've mentioned a few times, affirmations, I really like them and feel like they help me a lot. If you haven't started using them yet, I would definitely recommend starting! I have 3:
"I can do this"
"I am strong"
"I am safe"
Which I repeat often. It started just randomly, my first post describes it, I had said them a few times alongside other affirmations, then one day was at work and felt overwhelmed and just repeated them to myself and started to feel more capable of overcoming the struggles I was ruminating. Since then, I repeat them in times of stress. Recently, I've been using them almost as mantras for meditation - and THIS is really starting to clean up my mind. Mediation is actually really helpful, I feel more in control, and notice negative thoughts more easily which helps me change them to positive. It's actually cool cause I've read about this stuff for ages, tried it, had no success but just kept doing a few things anyway and now am starting to see the difference.
The stuff I talk about seems to be slow in making a difference, but it feels solid the difference it's making. Like I say, MENTALLY things have been good lately and it's because of these practices. If you're struggling with mental health, I'd acc recommend trying these or your own affirmations! I feel more solid in my head for using them. It's taken years, but the changes feel solid and like they're here to stay. Which is a feeling I've never had before, and it's nice.
You can do these things too for yourself if you want to, some affirmations I've seen are things like "I am loved", "I am abundant", "I am free" etc. When using affirmations use "I AM" or "I CAN" statements. Not, "I WILL" or anything. When programming the mind, it's about realising you already are these things. The thing holding you back is limiting beliefs. The affirmations attack these limiting beliefs and slowly transform them into the beliefs of the affirmations. And when you believe these things about yourself, your life changes. Your behaviour reflects that of someone who is the things you now believe about yourself. Really, you're realising they're already true. But the ego holds the belief they aren't, which means we act as though they aren't. Our behaviours change when we change our beliefs about ourself.
So I would say affirmations are useful in picking myself up again. What's hard when it comes to trying again, or picking yourself up, is the feelings of guilt and regret for being down in the first place which come up. Dealing with them requires strength. Journalling can be helpful to help process thoughts and feelings. I too find cooking helpful, especially if I've been living off take away for any amount of time. Getting my shit together, going for a shop and buying ingredients to cook something tasty can help pull me out of a funk. It could be anything for you, having a shower, cleaning your house, but it's about shifting your energy. When we feel down our energies are down, so shifting them around by doing something new, different or beneficial for our health can pick us back up again.
I'm still in the phase of needing to pick myself up, but it is getting easier than it was at the start so that's something. Most people I know are put together, but I think everyone can benefit from reflecting on how they can pick themselves up when they get down. Just in case it ever happens.
I'll report back on the multivitamins, I've been in and out of using them truly consistently and in the periods I have I have felt noticeably better. To remind you, I use Heights multivitamins. The journey I'm having with them reminds me of a lesson I've learnt: persistence is key. One should continue with endeavours and see them through and surely they will see results. I feel that way with the affirmations, I'm grateful I never gave up with them. That's also given me the motivation to not give up with the multivitamins, even though I've been forgetting.
How would/do you pick yourself up! I'd love to know in the comments!
Thanks guys xo